Balancing Act

I have been very busy for the last 2 months: writing a book, filling custom orders for t-shirt quilts, military uniforms (who knew every day camo uniforms would make a beautiful quilt!) helping judge a quilt show and the everyday work of long arming for customers.

I struggle to make time for what I love the most-creating my own art. I am passionate about quilting on leather. The landscapes scream to me “Quilt me! Quilt me!” In my head I have about 50 projects in various stages of design.

I usually set myself targets: Complete XYZ project then I can do my own ABC project. Except for this particular time period, I seem to be going from one XYZ project to the next!

So I decided to use a calendar and schedule my time. So far it is working well. Today, my book is ready to upload to Amazon, all my bookkeeping is up to date, customer orders are ahead of promised finished dates, with the help of grandchildren, husband and daughter #1 my house got painted….and my art projects????? I was able to finish one of them!

Do you schedule your time in a calendar? How does it work for you? What ever you do, make sure you take the time to create art in your life!